Monday, September 13, 2010

Alan Wake - Episode 6 - Departure

Sept 13th, 5:00am

It's still dark, 5:00am is about the latest it can get, and it was a full night.  Once Alan leaves the world and goes into the Dark Place, time is no longer relevant. 

Alan Wake - Episode 6 - Departure - Cauldron Lake

Sept 13th, 4:30am

ANOTHER ghost town.  How is this possible?  I've been all over this state.  How are there like 28 ghost towns all next to each other in this game?

Alan Wake - Episode 6 - Departure - Drop Zone

Sept 13th, 4:00am

More uphill hiking.  This crap will wear anyone out.

Alan Wake - Episode 6 - Departure - The Long Hike In

Sept 13th, 3:00am

Another mining ghost town, but Alan's on a mission.

Alan Wake - Episode 6 - Departure - Junkyard

Sept 13th, 2:30am

Of course, a junkyard, cause that's on the way.

Alan Wake - Episode 6 - Departure - Traffic

Sept 13th, 2:00am

We're doing a lot of driving and cutting down time.  The players I think would do some investigating, but Alan I don't think would.  He thinks he knows where he's supposed to go now, so why screw around?

Alan Wake - Episode 6 - Departure - Alone in Daylight

Sept 13th, 1:30am

Things are still moving pretty fast right now.  I'm placing this only another half hour from the Well-Lit Room. 

Alan Wake - Episode 6 - Departure - Day For Night

Sept 13th, 1:00am

Since this is mostly a flash back that, and they are still in real time in the Well-Lit Room, I'm putting this at 1:00am.

Alan Wake - Episode 5 - The Clicker - The Dam

Sept 13th, 12:30am

Since Alan is pretty much running the whole time, I think he'd make some good time.  I figure 12:30am is a good time.

Alan Wake - Episode 5 - The Clicker - To The Dam

Sept 13th, 12:00am

I kinda feel like this would take longer than a half-hour, but there's so much more that happens over this one night to reach the end of the game, I'm just making it release at midnight.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Alan Wake - Episode 5 - The Clicker - Helicopter Down

Sept 12th, 11:30pm

I'm not sure how much time elapses in the pipe, but it was taking her a long as time to open it.  And she doesn't walk very fast.  But, I'm assuming they didn't make it very far because Alan would've wanted to call Barry as soon as possible, so I'm guessing 11:30pm?

Alan Wake - Episode 5 - The Clicker - Who Designs These Things?

Sept 12th, 11:00pm

I can't imagine it would take a half hour to go out back and flip some switches.  A half hour seems fair.  11:00pm.

Alan Wake - Episode 5 - The Clicker - Bright Falls Light and Power

Sept 12th, 10:30pm

In reaching the Power Plant, none of it took that long, and I'm keeping in mind that all of this wraps up on the 13th of September, so I'm spacing this only another half hour.  So, 10:30pm.

Alan Wake - Episode 5 - The Clicker - Angry Birds

Sept 12th, 10:00pm

Not sure how long they flew, but with the time it took to get the chopper ready, an hour might be excessive, and Bright Falls isn't a big town.  So, while it might be more like 10:15pm, that isn't an option on the YouTube scheduled release, so I have it at10pm.

Alan Wake - Episode 5 - The Clicker - Going Down

Sept 12th, 9:30pm

Getting up the hill didn't seem to take that long and there weren't many distractions, so I think a half hour is fair.  9:30pm.

Alan Wake - Episode 5 - The Clicker - The Crypts

Sept 12th, 9:00pm

Conveniently, Alan and Sara have to go through the crypts.  It didn't seem like there was much distraction, so I figure a half hour is fair. 9:00pm

Alan Wake - Episode 5 - The Clicker - Ambush

Sept 12th, 8:30pm

Since we're just wandering around town, I can't imagine that took too long.  Even with fighting.  8:30pm.

Alan Wake - Episode 5 - The Clicker - Night Life in Bright Falls

Sept 12th, 8:00pm

I'm assuming Sheriff Breaker wouldn't just accept what Alan is saying about the Darkness.  And that she would want to make the first call to her father herself.  But, she doesn't in the game, so 8:00pm seems like a good time.

Alan Wake - Episode 5 - The Clicker

Sept 12th, 7:30pm

Hangovers suck.  And they were already exhausted.  If Nightingale had to read all the manuscript pages, I don't think it's unrealistic to say it took all day.  Especially if he were also drunk like the Sheriff implies.  Sunset is 7:28pm.  So the Darkness wouldn't be able to do anything until then.

Alan Wake - Episode 4 - The Truth - The Dream

 Sept 12th, 2:30am

Since Alan was asleep, it could've happened anytime after her passed out.  I gave them at least 2 hours to get drunk on crazy Cauldron Lake moonshine.  So, putting this at 2:30am.

Alan Wake - Episode 4 - The Truth - The Poet and the Muse

Sept 12th, 12:30am

Once you see the house, it's a straight shot, couldn't take that long.  12:30am?

Alan Wake - Episode 4 - The Truth - There is a Way

Sept 12th, 12:00am

Wandering around a farm?  Seems like it would go quicker.  But then, I've never been hunted by possessed hicks and trappers.  Let's drop it like it's hot at midnight.  

There is a Way is a Zero Principle reference to a hidden track we did on an album that was never finished.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Alan Wake - Episode 4 - Nightmare - Children of the God

Sept 11th, 11:00pm

I think it would take longer than 5 minutes to get through the woods safely, find the farm, find Barry and rock out with your cock out on stage.  11pm they take the stage?

Alan Wake - Episode 4 - The Truth - Weaponless

Sept 11th, 10:00pm

Not knowing how far they drove, where the Anderson farm was in relation to The Lodge, how long Alan was knocked out from the wreck, I'm placing it at 10pm.

Alan Wake - Episode 4 - The Truth - Going Off Road

Sept 11, 9:30pm

This is shortly after.  If the Anderson Bros. were always escaping, I'm just guessing the farm couldn't be too far away. 

Alan Wake - Episode 4 - The Truth - The Maze

Sept 11th, 8:30pm

I think following this pretty close to real time is probably a safe bet.  Sticking it at 8:30pm

Alan Wake - Episode 4 - The Truth - Escaping the Lodge

Sept 11th, 8:00pm

Just getting around the full escape, I don't think much time could've passed beyond the real time of the game.

Alan Wake - Episode 4 - The Truth - Don't Trust Emil

Sept 11th, 7:30pm

The sun sets during this stretch, so starting at 7:30pm, it should be dark by the end of the clip based on the sunset.

Alan Wake - Episode 4 - The Truth

Sept 11th, 7:00pm

Out from exhaustion, concussion, and being drugged up, I think it's fair to say more than 12 hours passed.  And judging by about how long it would take getting the tour, talking the Andersons, checking out other rooms, talking with other patients, and because sunset is around 7:30pm on Sept 11, I think placing the opening portion of Episode 4 around 7:00pm is pretty fair.

Alan Wake - Episode 3 - Ransom - Mirror Peak Lookout

Sept 11th, 3:00am.

After an all-nighter, I'm calling this the witching hour of 3am.  

Alan Wake - Episode 3 - Ransom - Picking Up The Trail

Sept 11th, 2:00am

Of course he finds the building that just happens to look like an abandoned asylum.  What else would you find in the wilderness?  2am.

Alan Wake - Episode 3 - Ransom - Crawling in the Dark

Sept 11th, 1:00am

Finding your way out of a mine would take a while.  Getting your bearings after finding your way out to get back on track to your destination would also take a while.  Especially in the semi-cloudy Pacific Northwest.  I think 1am is a good time to place this at.

Alan Wake - Episode 3 - Ransom - Mines

Sept 11th, 12:00am

Alan finds himself in an abandoned mine under Cauldron Lake, hearing Alice's voice in the dark?  I think he might take some time.  As if being outside weren't freaky enough, at least there were some outside sounds to cover his foot falls.  In a mine, it would just echo.  I'm putting the time around midnight.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Alan Wake - Episode 3 - Ransom - Ghost Town

Sept 10th, 11:00pm

While the previous abandoned miner's camps could qualify as a ghost town, this one is a legit abandoned town.  Not sure how electricity is being run to it for the TV, but you know, details.  Calling this 11pm.

Alan Wake - Episode 3 - Ransom - The Graveyard Shift

Sept 10th, 10:00pm

Wandering around ghost towns and graveyards at night while being stalked by possessed murderers can be time consuming.  Let's call this 10pm.

Alan Wake - Episode 3 - Ransom - Another Night, Another Horror

Sept 10th, 9:00pm

Wandering through rural warehouses and stuff at night can take a bit of work.  Especially if you're not sure where the hiking path you're supposed to take starts.  I gave Alan an hour to find his way to and through that warehouse after leaving the coal mine.  9pm seems like a good enough guess.

Alan Wake - Episode 3 - Ransom - Change Of Plans

Sept 10th, 8:00pm

After waiting all day, the kidnapper calls after sunset (7:32PM), so I posted this at 8PM to mark when Alan sets off to the new location the kidnapper plans to meet him.

Alan Wake - Episode 3 - Ransom - Bright Falls Coal Mine

Sept 10th, 8:00am

Not knowing where the mine is, being on the run, avoiding the police on backroads that he has no idea where they go, it being night and being chased by the Taken, the Darkness, random Possessed objects... I think it's fair to say it might take Alan a little while to figure out where he's going.  Since it's morning, I think based on the time the sun rises (6:40AM), it's safe to put this around 8AM.

Alan Wake - Episode 3 - Ransom - Depot

Sept 10, 03:00am

Having found the train depot, I don't think it would take all that long to work through there if it weren't for all the Taken and Possessed.  In real-life, I would be hiding a good portion of the time, trying not to be seen unless absolutely necessary.  So I have this video post at 2AM.

Alan Wake - Episode 3 - Ransom - Trains and Automobiles

Sept 10th, 01:00

I put this another hour later.  Mostly, Alan was just running through the woods towards train tracks, so I don't figure this would take too long, but players will investigate, and a real-life Alan Wake would be so out of shape and unable to jog constantly.  He would have to walk a good portion of the distance quietly to hear any Taken.

Alan Wake - Episode 3 - Ransom - KBF FM

Sept 10th, 12:00am

For the same reasons I gave extra time before, I'm doing the same here.  I pushed the release to midnight to give an hour for all the events to happen.  Players to do more investigating.  Alan would be more careful.  Etc...

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Alan Wake - Episode 3 - Ransom - On To Maine

Sept 9th, 11:00pm

I'm assuming, with Alan unarmed, he would move more cautiously than I did.  Take longer, listen around him more carefully.  I think he would also spend more time looking in police cruisers for weapons to help give him a fighting chances at survival.  So I set these to release at 11pm.

Alan Wake - Episode 3 - Ransom - On The Run

Sept 9th, 10:00pm

Because it's night and the park owner claims they've been in Rose's trailer for so long, I think 3 or 4 hours is a good gauge.  The park owner would have to call the police, have them respond.  I think 10pm is a fair guess.

Alan Wake - Episode 3 - Ransom

Sept 9th, 6:00pm

Barry was in town researching.  He would have to go back to grab Alan.  I'm assuming they grabbed food at some point, and by the long shadows being cast at the trailer park, it's probably late afternoon.

Alan Wake - Episode 2 - Taken - Flares Until Dawn

Sept 9th, 04:00am

After a lot of running up hill, I think he would be walking, not jogging.  Going up hill is exhausting, especially when you're not use to it and you're already tired from lack of sleep.  Add to that he's been trying not to die all night.

Alan Wake - Episode 2 - Taken - Return to Elderwood

Sept 9th, 2:00am

I gave some pad time to the return for wandering around and finding truck keys.  Since I knew where to go already and there's other things to see and do, and in real life, there would not be a directional guide, I figured... eh... give'em an hour.

Alan Wake - Episode 2 - Taken - The Woods

Sept 9th, 1:00am

I figure, wandering around in the woods at night, avoiding nightmarish situations will take a bit.  So, I have this posting at 01:00.

Alan Wake - Episode 2 - Taken - Mott Gets Away

Sept 9th, 12:00am

I think this must be sometime around midnight-ish.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Alan Wake - Episode 2 - Taken - Lover's Peak

Sept 8th, 11:00pm

Following the cable car crash, I don't think Alan should've been knocked out too long.  So, I have this posting a half-hour later.

Alan Wake - Episode 2 - Taken - Lover's Peak Trail

Sept 8th, 10:30pm

In the game, it's only a few minutes, but I hike in real life.  I know a hike like the one in the game would actually about 45 minutes to an hour.  I figure in the dark, at night, while fighting possessed shadows... maybe a little longer.

Alan Wake - Episode 2 - Taken - Goodbye Rusty

Sept 8th, 9:30pm

I doubt it would take a half-hour to walk down there reasonably.  Doing it real time in the game seemed about right, but I think players would stop off and check out cabins and what not.

Alan Wake - Episode 2 - The Keys to Elderwood

Sept 8th 5:00pm

Looking at the time frame it probably took to resolve the issues at the police station and the time it would've taken to relay Alan's story to Barry, plus find Elderwood, I'm guessing it's around noon to 1pm.  But to relay the full story, maybe they grabbed food, probably took longer. The opening scene has the sun dropping behind the mountains.  Sunset isn't until around 7:36pm. Because of that, I'm putting it around 5pm.

Alan Wake - Episode 2 - Get Me Out of Here

Sept 8th 10:30am

I'm assuming these events take place around 10:15 am.  I go through the actions more quickly to minimize any boring parts, but that's why I have it getting released at 10:30 am.

Alan Wake - Episode 2 - Taken

Sept 8th, 10:00am

Sunrise is at 6:38 AM on Sept 8.  Since dawn broke at the end of Episode 1, that means it ends after that time.  Alan gets driven back into town, gets a doctor check up and his phone is recharged.

Bringing the local doctor in from a morning fishing trip probably took some time.  Assuming the Sheriff contacted him on the drive back to town, you can trim some time off.  Not sure how long the doctor appointment would take, but the phone was recharged.

The wasn't still on a charger, so I assume that means it was fully recharged.  Since it was completely dead, and I don't know what type of phone it was (other than a windows phone), I just looked up he average recharge time.

They were at where Bird Leg Cabin was after 6:38, and town would be reasonably close, it's probably safe to say they got to the Police station after 07:30.  2.5 hours from there puts the Doc finishing up Alan's physical check around 10. 

Alan Wake - Episode 2 - Taken - Welcome to Elderwood

Sept 8th, 9:00pm

The sun has set, he knows he has to be at Lover's Peak, but not knowing how long it would take to get there, where he's going, if i were him, I would leave early to make sure I could find the damn place.  So, I figured 9 would be a decent time to set out. 

Alan Wake - Episode 1 - Nightmare - Missing Time

Sept 8th, 5:00am

The time it took to get from one logging camp and work his way towards the gas station where he encounters another logging camp, and will ultimately face Stucky, I figure that could take about a half hour to an hour.  In the game, it's only a few minutes.  This part is hard to gauge because when you find the gas station, you're not sure how much time passes between the phone call, the Sheriff's arrival and the drive to Cauldron Lake.  I put it 5 AM because the sun will rise around 6:30 am on Sept 8th in the state of Washington. 

Alan Wake - Episode 1 - Nightmare - Camp to Camp

Sept 8th, 4:30am

I figure the time it would take to wander around the way Alan did until he cross the river and found this camp, would probably be closer to an hour, but decided a half hour was a good compromise, placing the events from camp to camp around 04:30 am.

Alan Wake - Episode 1 - Nightmare - Waking Up to a Nightmare

Sept 8, 3:30am

When Alan wake(s) up in the car, it's night, so it's hard to gauge the time.  I don't know how much time passed from the phone call to the Sheriff and when she arrives, or how long the drive into town was.  Based on the sign outside saying Deerfest is 7 days away, and the poster inside listing the dates, the events following the car crash happened on September 8th.  Based on how long it takes to do the level and the assumed time the elapses from the phone call to the view of the spot where Bird Leg Cabin used to be, I placed the crash around 3:30 am - ish. 

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Alan Wake - Episode 1 - Bird Leg Cabin

Sept 1st, 7:30pm

Based on when the sun sets, around 7:30 pm, during this time of year in Washington, I place the events at Bird Leg Cabin around 7:30pm - 10pm.  There is time elapsed from getting the key and drive out to the cabin, getting the power on, settled in, changed, sun starting to set, radio reveal that Alan is in town, going upstairs, the argument, and then everything going wrong. 

Alan Wake - Episode 1 - Nightmare - Welcome to Bright Falls

Sept 1st, 4:00pm

Later in the day on September 1st, having just got off the ferry, Alan arrives at the Diner to pick up the keys for the cabin.  Since you wake up from the nightmare and it's still daytime, it doesn't look like dusk.  Dusk is around 9 pm for this time of year in Washington... but dusk happens at the cabin, and Bright Falls isn't too big.  I'm guess for the time frame involved, it's around 4 pm.

Alan Wake - Episode 1 - Nightmare - A Writer's Dream

Sept 1, 3:30pm

I'm guessing this based on the duration of Alan's Nightmare and the time left of daylight in coming videos, transit time, time that it took to accomplish certain tasks, this is around 3:30pm.